“Let the light of Christ shine in us all.”
Schools aims
- To provide inspirational teaching and learning experiences which are broad, balanced and relevant for every child irrespective of ability, gender, ethnicity or background.
- To ensure the highest academic achievements possible for our children especially in reading, writing and mathematics, raising their aspirations to know that they can achieve.
- To provide a safe environment of nurture and love for each child to enable them to develop a love for God, themselves, their families and school and to make good contributions to their communities and the lives of others.
- To work in partnership with the parish of St Cuthbert’s to ensure the children understand, grow and live their faith.
- To provide opportunities for each child to make responsible choices enabling them to keep safe and to lead healthy lifestyles.
Ket features of school
- Strong links with local community, Holy Family Parish and English Martyrs Secondary School.
- Excellent sporting opportunities both within Curriculum time and extra –curricular clubs and Inspire Coaching.
- Excellent links with a school community that celebrates all cultures/ faiths.
- Almost all pupils go to English Martyrs on leaving KS2.
- All pupils benefit from consistently good teaching.
- Pupil’s attitude towards learning and behaviour is good.