Subject Lead: Mrs Gilbraith
For children at the end of Y2 (KS1)
- To be confident in mental and written methods to add and subtract
- To be confident working with numbers to 100.
- To be able to count in 2, 5 and 10
- To recognise multiples and inverse operations with x
- To see patterns in number.
For end of KS2:
- For children at the end Y6 to be confident in all 4 number operations and be able to apply these methods to solve problems in all areas of maths
Use of mental starters and counting to embed recognition of number and patterns
Use of visual and practical apparatus to aid understanding of mathematical concepts
Overlearning of number bonds and x table facts to embed facts
Use of 5 a day from Y2 to Y6 to revisit 4 rules of number and application to embed methods
Use of school yearly overviews to ensure consistent coverage of units and rationale behind delivery
Use of SVCP to ensure consistency in methods taught across school
Expectation of challenges to be set in lessons (Use of White Rose and Mastery Materials )
Staff trained in Early Maths, Success at Arithmetic if intervention needed.
Attainment in teacher assessment and SATS by pupils to meet national expectation or above.